\n I'm booking for an individual\n
\n \n\n I'm booking for a group\n
\n \n{{ yesText }}
\n \n{{ noText }}
\n \n\n What is your email address?\n
\n \n \nName | \nPrice | \n
{{ `${participant.first_name} ${participant.last_name ? participant.last_name : ''}` }} | \n\n {{ `$${perPersonFee}` }}\n -\n | \n
\n \n {{ voucher.code }}\n\n | \n \n - ${{ parseFloat(voucher.adjustment).toFixed(2) }}\n | \n
\n \n GST\n\n | \n \n +${{ parseFloat(gstAmount).toFixed(2) }}\n | \n
\n 0\" style=\"margin:0; color: black;\">\n TOTAL (inc. GST)\n\n\n Total\n\n | \n \n ${{ parseFloat(total).toFixed(2) }}\n -\n | \n
\n Your placement will expire in\n {{timer.minutes}}:{{timer.seconds}}\n
\n\n {{participant.first_name}} {{participant.last_name ? participant.last_name : ''}}\n
\n\n {{participant.email}}\n
\n\n {{participant.mobile_phone}}\n
\n\n Thank you!\n
\n \n\n \n Your booking is complete and you will receive an email with further\n instructions.\n \n